File Preparation
Help in supplying your print files
How we prefer our print files
Our preferred file for printing is a high resolution PDF (Portable Document Format), with all fonts embedded and a CMYK profile included. (We use FOGRA39).
We are able to handle other files, but it is far more practical to supply print ready PDF’s.
All our printing is done as 4 colour process, unless you require a PMS (Pantone Matching System) for a particular colour.This will add extra cost. Please discuss this option with the sales team.
Trim Marks and Bleed

This image displays a print file after has been printed. The registration (crop marks) and bleed are clearly visible, ready to be trimmed to its final size.
If your files have colour or images that go the edge of the document, your file must include at least 3mm of excess waste image (Bleed). This will be cut away prevent your document from having a small white edge.
We also advise a ‘quiet area’ around the perimeter of your document. On this business card example this is 5mm, as demonstrated by dotted yellow line.
During printing your document can move from its target position by very small amounts. The bleed ensures the movement won’t be effected by this.

This is the final trimmed document. The surrounding bleed and crop marks are now gone.
Please call us if you need more assistance.